Darkstar's 1998 Chevrolet Corvette

you need a targa to let the wind blow through your hair?


pick up a stripper and have her do this after you get road head and knock her earings out… and then i’ll respect your game.
and,… auto targas,? are for women. real men drive a stick. =]

nice wing



I’ll be the first to say nice tits

real men must put gay wings on vettes then too…

I didnt even see a corvette in the pic

touche’ lol

the wing was an auto cross phase i was going through
at the time. it wasn’t a universal honda wing like most,
and it wasn’t made out of wood so thats a plus.

i expected some wing razzing as it’s in fasion to
rag on wings these days…ricers f*ck up everything!

no offence to you ricer guys.

so what’s the story with the op’s vett?
any finished product numbers or nos settup pics?
curious to see results…



more pics of the stripper?

ok im sorry but only way you can prove that wing serves any purpose is if it is braced all way down into the chassis of the car…and then again you would need to be running speeds that a c5r does…

soo if your cars matches up with everything in the right hand column of this your golden…if not sorry spilner that shit is gay…

hey the ls1 sticker on the rear bumber and the corvette sticker…is that for when you forget what type of car you have??

don’t be sorry your life is unevenfull ja rule,… as we both know,
it’s not how you stand by your car, it’s how you drive it…
you better learn that, aight keed!?

the fact of the matter is any car i’ve ever had will spank any car
you’ve ever had peewee…now, if that’s a fact, tell me , am i lying?
cause you my friend, are starstruck.

btw, your wings and downforce theory is doo doo.
do more research and less flaming.

wow fuckin n00b already getting mouthy. And since when do you need a wing for autocross? :tool:

noob to this site maybe, but the noobs in life are the ones
who talk loud and say nothing.

like you two.


Careful man…Sinister not only talks the talk he can walk the walk.

internet bench racing isn’t scarey.
it’s silly at best.
a few, and i mean “few” guys on the interwebs know enough to be dangerous,
but it’s sad when some one thinks they know your car better than you do via
a router & some images on a screen.

all the goons who flame, are just dare i say, jealous and or very bored.
you won’t go up to a retards face in a mall and call him a fckin retard,…
why, because it’s bad manners. the internet has yet to allow the same
kind of curtiousness. bullies with baby dix. i got this, but thanks for the concern.

I AutoX, a LOT and do track days and I don’t have an ugly ass wing like that. If you want to see what an AutoX type wing actually looks like on a C5, take a look here:


And no, the bracing doesn’t go all the way down to the chassis, it’s not necessary for an AutoX wing. Now, would that wing work on a road course? Hell no, way too aggressive, it’d probably rip right off, and since it’s not teamed with a front splitter it’d cause too much front end lift.

But it is a very effective AutoX wing, unlike that shit on new guy’s car.


lol that parking lot racing is gayer than going 50 mph and slamming on the breaks!
oh shit, lol you guys are funny.
please continue with all the racing stories and plexiglass wing pictures.


i’ll wait awhile before i whip out my lime rock pix/vids…

i wanna hear/see more pictures of cars, cones, and parking lots.