database error for pm

went to go to my inbox, just started getting a database error?

Widespread? or is it the software replling fat people? haha

Mines brokded too.

problem recognized. I PMed the right people about this. lol

No The problem is recognized.

Without communication, im assuming Howie shined the massive nyspeed banner light into the sky from atop his giant skyscraper to signal to tpgsr the webz is busted… Thats just how I see it working out.

batsignal :bat: it’s a batsignal :snky:

LOL my thing went off… I am here now.

I lol

PAGING HANER… It appears that the table may be blowing over it’s allocated space. That or one of the disks is getting full.I will keep trying to get it back though.

Im probably not telling you anything you dont know, but user cp does the same error.

Hey, I pulled off 75% of my stuff from Sagemind yesterday so it’s not me! :slight_smile:

I’m sure it will be fixed soon.

Slowly every area of the forum will start to break until the disk error is fixed. This is not from personal knowledge, just what I am reading on vbulletin for this error.

are we out of tablespace?

me to …my thing went off 3 times

this fat kids pms also dont work

and we are on

onyx, your forum is doing this too…

i got a pm from someone named “Stephanie” , and then i clicked their name to view profile and i got database error

That is because we deleted the account, so it is no longer in the database. It is a spammer issue.