Davd Hance SHATTERS the DragRadial Record

With a 6.93@207 letting out a litte bit before the finish:ohnoes

Did hurt something at the end of the pass though…


Yeah, the big Supra battles are still 1 sec slower, and on slicks!!

who said anything about a supra?
those are 6 speed supras by the way, not slushbox

but ill have you know Titan motorsports has been testing and are running 4.x 1/8ths and still dialing the car in, its a PG/3.4

Decent trap speed

his first one was 223:ohnoes

Before or after?:

im assuming before based on the comments

The 7.XX pass was 223. The 6.93 was with a 207. Theres still more to come. He let out a little bit before the finish line b/c something in the motor let go

4.66 @ 172 in the 1/8th… thats fuckin moving.

Fuck yeah! A solid 52mph faster in the 1/8th than i am in the 1/4:lol

172 in the 1/8th is faster than ANY car on this board goes in the 1320… and we have some 700+ whp rides here… thats saying something.