Dave chapelle

is going to be at the amplitheatre sunday night. anyone goin?

If his tickets are the same price as the last time he was here no. To much unless you get a dvd with it.

how much were the tickets?

$50 the last time he was here. It was at the benidum (sp.) so that might have something to do with the pricing.

nope they are still $50

same price, shittier location… thats how it usually works

It would be worth it if he was funny.

You been smoking crack lately? :greddy: How much better can you get than a black person that makes fun of niggers?

wow your retarded, you feel all giddy when he says niggers dont yah?

that’s Chris Rock and every other black comic since old school Eddie Murphy. Chapelle has his funny skits like rick james, but other than that he is just another black comic making fun of black people.

Eddie Murphy RAW >*


his block party DVD was pretty funny

richard pryor> all

i saw him a few times, he is funny as hell live, but because ive seen him a few times im not about to spend 50 to sit in the ampitheater…