Daves E30 Build [SW | Low is a Lifestyle]

Gotta keep everyone on their toes haaha

SOOO SICK! love it.

adjustable suspension kicks the shit out of static nutswingers. I lol everytime I see some zip-tied bumper lip or them high centered on a speed bump or stuck leaving a parking lot.

some people will hate on my for having an e30 on air. its “against the rules” or some shit. but in the northeast, the advantages of air are well worth it


God’s chariot.

Nice ride. Love the wheels.


Thanks. i discussed the finish on the wheels for about a week with a lot of people before I decided to go full bling status


Wheels look sick man!

as soon as I saw your username under last updated… I knew it was my static lovin buddeyyy

static drop buddies!

Plus I only got high sided once on a small grassy knoll on the edge of a driveway :rofl

hahahahaah I have one static buddy that has to remove his bumper if he wants to park in his driveway. otherwise, its street parking for him

:lol yeah my rear diff was hung up, took a couple people to push me off it

and let’s not forget about Fern Gully.

if you had bags you would’ve been outta there no probz.

Fully polished FTW. Maintenance on them blows though. ASk me how I know.

not everyone can static drop LIKE A BOSS…

but this still will look awesome, strong work

Actually went with chrome instead of polish. The maintenance is a little less shitty lol

Should look pretty bad ass when its done.
I like those wheels too.

Thanks! I saw these on Sergios A4. Pulled the trigger on them like 2 days later hahahah

Yeah bags and knobby tires :lol

those wheels are sick!