David, go find yourself some pregg0r women!

:B 1242


I apologize for the non-English content, but I’ll post this because I can, and I understand that a few others will too.

Besides, I’m sure you can all figure out what’s up!

The 350 sounds EXACTLY like Richards, and the crash in the bloopers remind me of David!
edit Sounds like David’s ghetto-exhaust, not richard!

haha, oh gawd … gabe don’t get david in any MORE trouble, he’s in enough as it is :wink:

haha, i’ve seen this vid a bunch of times…not bad i suppose…

lol at the preg women not getting tossed around the car even though she’s not wearing a seatbelt :stuck_out_tongue:

:S She was getting dizzy from all the excessive snap-steering, and harsh ride…

Aren’t you asian too? " Doo yooou undastan ma bloken engrish?" :stuck_out_tongue:

i’d knock him the **** out for driving like an idiot lol

http://www.engrish.com <-----always good for a couple of laughs.

Don’t forget, you have a baby inside j00. (Nothing a ‘trip’ down the stairs can’t fix!)

I still don’t get why she seemed to slip into a state of euphoria after some dorifto runs… and I speak the language perfectly… :confused:


Yo, i’ve seen that show before… just once though in HK. Anyone got the name so i can look for it at pmall?


tnc, we’re in for a bucket of laughs tonight… :D:D:D

The preview was quite funny…

Ai… you guys just had to pick on me didn’t you… :frowning:

It is a pretty good video…

yeah, i was going to say it sounds NOTHING like mine, it’s more like a raspy version of david’s exhaust sound :slight_smile:

what if he was driving a prelude?

what a weird video…

why did he do that pointless 360 in front of Eclass
why did he go around the roundabout twice.
how the hell did he pass the two vans on the highway

so confused.

way to over analyze a 4 minute vid…