Day 7, OLOA......

So this is why it was taken down :rofl

Again glad that everybody made it out ok, really great video though. Will be sharing.

original video of the crash was taken down because at the time robert didn’t want it online. I think Roberts sister made this video.

Wow, quite the roll from the incar video. Onstar lol

I’d love to see the real-time footage some time. I remember it was pretty gnarly.

I have it on my PC at the shop.

Fun, Bam, More Fun

Great spirits

Yup. If you can survive eight days with yoyr codriver and not kill each other throught the week its a big party

The onstar calling was almost as good as hitting the door on the trailer fender.

love the spirit after…

Cts-v’s suck.

Yeah they make shitty daily drivers, which is why I want to buy one to make a work vehicle out of it instead