Day Crew or Night Crew?


work 1-12
Then home til 2am before ptfo

Night crew FTW. I work second shift and paying attention in classes > NYSpeed.

BUT I do come on between classes during the day, so I guess im both?

I put day crew cuz they seemed cooler.

oh and btw, we can’t say day crew wins yet, because the night crew hasn’t been on yet to vote. we must wait until the beginning of day crew tomorrow to count the votes.

Day crew for now since my temporary housing has no hook-up.

lol nappy you suck. might as well go find yourself a new forum, loner. :rx3:

lol damn. I bet most of the night guys are going to nut hug the day guys or just not vote at all. They won’t vote because they are scared of being called “gays” on the interweb.

DC here…hardcore.

Day…i wake up and there are 10 threads about masterbating, 4 threads about dick size and 1 thread with pictures of solo’s girl’s stitched up boobs from plastic surgery. The people on here at night obviously aren’t the ones getting laid.

day ftw.

hahah word, night crews threads are fucking pathetic.

i think the outburst of picture threads is just to prove how lame it is.

i mean for fucks sake, night crew posts their own birthday threads.

day crew for sure :tup:


I think one of you elite day crew runners should move to 3rd shift and take charge of the night crew. Then you could have nearly 24 hours of pure awesomeness of internet posts.

Because we all know Internet coolness > Public coolness.

night only. stupid bank regulations

nite crew, i work 8am-4pm and during that time i dont have access to the internet other then my phone. All my posting on the weekdays is sporadically between 415 and 12am


they couldnt stop me. bigger bank too. :stuck_out_tongue:

day crew cuz i get bored in school sometimes

I’m sure I could get around it, but

a) I dont need to be on forums all day
b) I wouldnt really have time for it anyway

so, night it is!


Day,9-6 FTW.:tspry:

Such a nice upgrade over my last job,one day i’d be working 12:30-9 and then 6-2:30.

:tup: to consistancy