Day Crew or Night Crew?

night crew because insomnia keeps me up till 630 a.m. and i will agree that most of the night posts suck, i apologize.

night crew because then i can read all of day crews amazing threads, and then the perverted ones that night crew make up cuz they’re about to beat their dicks and go to bed.

^^^ what she said

both, whenever i’m bored.

Seeing as I work at night, that’s if and when I’ll post. When I’m not working, I don’t find too much time to be on the web.

and day crew fucking wins, night crew too busy posting weird ass threads about their odd sexual organs.

Shit I only voted for the night crew cause it said (gays) I don’t know which crew if any I am

yay day crew :gay2:

sigh… might as well ban all the night crew peeps