DC Madam commits suicide

Palfrey was found guilty on April 15 by a D.C. jury on charges of racketeering and money laundering related to her operating a prostitution ring. She had threatened to reveal the names of her clients — many believed to be high-profile political and business figures — if prosecutors went forward with their case.

Uh… yeah. How many actually think this was suicide? There are a whole lot of powerful people sleeping better tonight I bet.

seriously. rat out those in power good idea.

something sounds off here

Seems a bit sketchy.

I’m no psychologist but the type of woman who would graduate college, start law school, get involved in an escort service and decide it was run poorly, start her own, and turn it into one serving some of the most powerful people in the country doesn’t seem like the type to take the easy way out with suicide.

good topic for the next best selling thriller novel


It’s odd the threads you pop back in here for.

thats shitty

I can’t wait to see the Clinton 6 degrees.
They always seem to be connected to “high profile” deaths.


I guess she has stopped now… but I’m sure somebody has the records.

lol… thats fucked, highly doubt that was suicide.

You think that is strange, the other day he sent me an AIM message that just said Faggggggg and then signed off lol. Not very nice if you ask me.

x2. snitches get dealt with, direct or karma, 100% of the time. seems she wasn’t one of the lucky ones.