dead babies in the garden too !,1518,368843,00.html

ta least she had the right idea … bet those potted flowers grew like … well … newborns

it’s the little things that get these people busted…

The bodies were discovered after someone clearing a garage at the site found human bones stored in a fish tank, police said.


thats hc fucked up…wtf is wrong with people?


I keep looking over my shoulder thinkin im gonna get hit by a fetus or somethin…fuckers are everywhere lately

the world gets sicker and sicker…by the time my unborn kids are adults itll be

“man found with 5 fetuses, two dogs and four japanese school girls impaled on his cock, which was itself impaled on a rhino cock.”

from another version of the artical

The discovery came after a string of similarly gruesome finds elsewhere in Germany.

Last week, a dead baby girl was found in a public toilet in Magdeburg and an infant boy on a recycling company’s conveyer belt in Guetersloh. In June, a walker in Lower Saxony found a baby in a plastic bag whose throat had been cut.

In neighboring Austria, authorities are holding the parents of at least three of four infants whose bodies were found in a freezer and entombed in concrete-filled buckets.

the parents knew their kids were just going to grow up to be assholes like them. :tup: to them for putting the kibash to that.

Darwin is the man.

um… wow

wow man, some people are fucked up


So whats the world coming to? Damn

Stupid people shouldn’t breed.

OMG…:wtf: sick…sick sick…

:jawdrop: And I was gonna get a German mail order bride!!


^ right on the homepage NWS


Looks likes she can cook though…or at least know good places to eat