Dear Gonad

The Picard pic.

i know you saw this somehwere and think its a cool thing to post.

but stop posting it.

becuase its not

that is all.

One Love

i second this motion

frankly I just don’t get it : /

it is getting over used now but you guys have to admit it was in order each time it was used and its self explanatory

Those are words I would expect to hear from Greg… hahahaha

yea i started that. you cant do it.

i called it


I enjoy that pic every time I see it.

Id prefer it if it were Kirk.[/quote]
clearly compensating for something….

That’s still a wicked raygun. And I actually searched the old thread by Greg and copied the text, then modified it to suit my needs. Dissapointed nobody picked up on it.

lol i caught right on to it…

dont you worry.

and for copying me…

i will end you.