Dear Kellogg's

I love your Fruit Loops, and I eat them all the time but I find that I have to eat more than half the box before I feel like i’m anywhere close to full. you should work on that.


sugary cereals will rot your teeth!

i prefer special k. much better for you and i can still eat half the box.

I have 2 eat 2 boxes of Fruity Pebals to feel mildly full


that’s why cereal is advertised as “PART of a complete breakfast”

Im hooked on Kelloggs Special K red berries cereal, that shit is amazing and healthy for you as well. I stopped eating waffles…waffles for christ sake! Not just the generic waffles but the good shit Eggos homestyle and buttermilk waffles.

Corn chex and Og cheerios are my thing

stop being a fatty?


minus your terrible spelling lol

I like Special K chocolaty delight.


These are the best, I ate them like your supposed to (substitute for 2 meals) and lost all the “baby fat” from having Van and then some!

When you eat normal sugar, your body sees glucose in your blood and floods your bloodstream with insulin, which directs the glucose to be used as energy first, stored in the liver second, and stored as fat third. This also the mechanism that tells you you’re full.

Fructose (as in high fructose corn syrup, as in the sweetener used in everying in the modern industrial food chain) does not trigger an insulin response. Hense two things happen:

  1. Your body does not say “hey fat ass, stop eating, you’re full.”
  2. The insulin doesn’t direct the fructose to be burned as energy, so it just gets stored as fat without being used as energy first.

Morals of this little bit of knowledge:

  1. Kellogs will not fix this, it’s cheaper than sugar and makes you consume more of their product.
  2. You are getting fat.

Dear nyspeed. WTF happen to actual automotive posts.


Dear NitroInsane,

Here You go:

My point 18 of 60 new posts are car related. People are selling rubber dicks on this site WTF.

They are not all rubber…some are plastic and they vibrate!

And you should buy one for the Mrs./Girlfriend!

In times like these you gotta diversify :roflpicard: