Please clean up your left over sausage remains from my trash can.
Sean’s angry father

sure thing, I’ll be right over

Strong work

i tried to stop him he just wouldnt

Holy shit I lol’d!!! When i came downstairs in the morning and looked over at the oven and saw those sausages sitting there i was dieing!

So Lance is a sausage gargler?

Lance I know we are FB friends, but I dont think we have ever met. Anyways I want a ride in the teg. Im chill man, lol. In the chair most of the time, dont hesistate to let me drive it either, im awesome with standard still.

Were you at seamus tonight?

Yes. I was the tall kid with the plain white t shirt on and kahki shorts, black sneakers if that helps lolol

Pics or gtfo

lold :rofl

Stay out of Lances thread you dicks

yeah then you and that thing started taking pics of me lol