Dear teenager/early 20's dudes that wear Tapout apparel.



lol you feel my pain.

+1000 to this thread.

Tapout affliction, ed hardy faggotry

So you’re saying nobody should wear it because I am pretty sure that guy is dead now and nobody looks like him, hehehe. Either that or one of his other Tapout buddies passed away recently.

I know people on this site who wear this shit lol

LOL and those people voted that this thread sucks.

tapout=gay, edhardy and affliction are ok in moderation so long as they’re not gold, silver, sparkly, or shiny. People look like goddam fishing lures imo


I just don’t think you should be wearing a line of close to inflate your image. Tapout came from the MMA fighting scene so people in it or who look like people in it should be the only ones wearing it.

Same thing with people who wear Billabong and live in Buffalo… there is no waves within 1000 miles you can actually surf on so stop.

Do you wear jeans? Are you a coal miner? STOP WEARING JEANS!

Exactly… my scarcasm may have been hard to get but some people seem to be making a point that you can not wear certain brands unless you are actually involved in that activity some how.

People should not wear jerseys unless you actually play the sport too.

I think the OP went to Wild Wings to watch the most recent MMA pay-per-view.

No. College.

Yesterday I saw a car in Henrietta with a TAPOUT license plate and UFC rear window sticker. That’s a bit much.

LMFAO, that’s awesome. And they say you can’t judge a book by it’s cover/shittycar.

Yeah agreed. If he wasn’t sponsored and therefor free shirt - he’s just trying to get people to ask him why he wears it so he can be like “YEAH IM TOTALLY A FIGHTER BRO.”

haha, “look like people in it”. But no, just because you train MMA or have a few fights doesn’t mean you need/should wear tapout or whatever. Not at least until the douchebag connotation is gone, which it never will be. +1 on the billabong thing except that’s mostly an expired fad now.

I’d love to wear the Fedor affliction/M-1 walkout tee because it looks fucking cool (and I swing off Fedor’s nuts), but I definitely resist the urge. I’ve got a HEADSHOT shirt I bought from my friend because he’s sponsored by them, and it hangs in my closet permanently because I don’t want to look like a bro, brah.


Not that i wear tap out or any mma type gear, but, at the end of the day it was a clothing line that was created to make money, and it has done so. How is it any diff than someone wearing a sports jersey?

In most cases they are a fan, of the product they wear, IMO some punk kid wearing a tap out jersey is no diff than some drunk asshole wearing a sports jersey. Every “sport” has shitty fans.

I actively try to avoid wearing any clothes that have the brand slapped on it somewhere visible.

I like a lot of volcom clothes, but you’d never catch me wearing a t-shirt that says VOLCOM across the chest.

way to not be a giant walking billboard :tup:

btw i HATE ed hardy