Dear teenager/early 20's dudes that wear Tapout apparel.

^^^ but this guy owns a pair of UGGS, fggt

i <3 my uggs you faggot!

Girlfriend wears.
and has some ed hardy hand sanitizer.
smells like dick.
or maybe…
uh oh.

Can we just add any brand that just has their shit across the front of the shirt? Including Hollister, Abercrombie, AE, etc. Nothing makes me want to puke more than a dude wearing a baby blue t-shirt that says hollister in huge letters.

Not hating on those brands either, I’d say 70% of my wardrobe is AE, but not with huge AE on the front.

Maybe it is just a way of stating that you’re a new fan of MMA and this is how you show your support… by supporting a huge sponsor of MMA events?

People shouldn’t wear Sabres or Bills jerseys anymore either. They aren’t T.O. so they shouldn’t wear his shirt.

Now, on the other hand, most of the fggts you see wearing this crap think they are badasses… but none of them have the balls to “defend” their badassery.

Affliction is also gay… I don’t know how that could be less gay than Tapout. Is someone in here making excuses for their apparel?

I think anyone who weighs 140lbs and isn’t a female is a boy. :slight_smile:

I see nothing wrong with wearing jerseys while at the game or watching the game somewhere.

hey hey, I have a big daddy long sleeve, its nice to work in, fits over 2 t shirts nicely.

I buy what fits, I dont care whats on it, and i never pay retail.

simply put, what kind of people do you see day to day? do you see motherfuckers looking like me everywhere you turn? no you dont, you dont see yolked out shredded motherfuckers like me with sick tans because we do things differently, if you want to look like everyone else keep eating “somewhat healthy.” every joe schmoe i know eats somewhat healthy, if you want to pound 10x more clits than you already do and have triceps bulging through your 30% tinted windows in your motherfucking ZO6 that will make pussys wet on the highway and have them crash into trees then you have to fucking work for it, and do things normal people dont


affliction came from the same scene as tapout

With a company like tapout, I think a lot of people wear the shit to show their support for a company that supports a sport like that. It’s the reason, and no different than why I wear Alpinestars, or wore burton/forum/ride clothes in high school. I like to support businesses and companies that help push a sport to make it bigger. Hollister/abercrombie/am eagle, now that’s a little gay. lol.

I think weve concluded that any name brand clothing item is gay.


I only know 1 person who wears that stuff that and can back it up. He’s been training for years to become a fighter. He’s probably 1 out of 4,000,000,000 people who can back it up though.

+3 :roflpicard:

oooh mr. unique character, can’t have visible logos, oooh, don’t want to be a bilboard, ooooh

you know who used to say that same stupid thing in highschool?


Most of my shirts have some kind of logo on them I think. IMO a shirt is about how it fits/what it’s made of. If someone thinks you’re a dbag because your shirt has a name on it… they’re probably the dbag?

that being said, the OVERWHELMING majority of affliction/tapout shirts are douchebags and they’re never real cheap like aero/ae/express shirts can be so that stereotype still stands and I won’t where them. :frowning:

People who wear labels and mindlessly shill some crappy brand are fggts. Supporting a team is one thing, but being a walking-billboard is gay.

not gonna read the whole thing but its funny kuz me and my friend had an extensive conversation at the bar tonight about douchebags who wear tapout clothes. Also, i used to like affliction until ever italian my new haircut douchebag started wearing it.

where is kuzma, everything Jake wears is tapout, he is a big dude and a great guy, but this thread could be his intervention. :pimp:

lol, what?

I just think shirts designed around a logo are corny.

i wear a shirt with coyotes howling at the moon…because i like coyotes and i like the moon.