December ***Member drive contest!*** 50$$

Member drive contest is now open.

No creating accounts by yourself
Members recruited must be active and make 5 posts
Have the signed up member post in here with the name of his referrer so the refferer can get a recruit point
Contest end date is December 31st
Winner gets 50$ Cash or paypal

Easy money, enjoy. Anybody can win.

I will keep an upto date list of who is in the lead.

If you want to join the contest just post here, I will put your name down as a contender.

Everybody is eligible.

Im pretty sure the referral link is broken and is not usable, so don’t use it.

Easy money, oh well looks like im keeping it.


i got Boostin Camaro and H2b Teg to join :thumb

In the lead with two as soon as they match the rules :thumb

That includes posting in here :tong

k-20powered, Boostin Camaro, and H2bTeg

That’s 3, i win :nod

They didn’t post in here. No monies for you! lol

yup…K20 Power got me to join.

1/1/08… Only a day late =)

Cossey’s got a point :tong

K20 Pm me.