Defi BF Gauges (4 Piece +Controller Set)

Alright guys, I’m thinking about parting ways with the set I’ve been collecting for a bit now. I’ve got a set of white Defi BF gauges. There’s:

-Oil Temp
-Oil Pressure

I’m asking $650 for the lot. Everything is complete (sensors and wires), ready to go.

PM me if you’re interested.

PM’s replied and pictures have been sent!

PM me or post here if you have any questions people!

What color illumination and I assume link V2?
Either way that’s a more than fair price. Piecing them together with matching colors and with sensors intact is hard as it is.

Send me some pics.

They all illuminate white, and it is the version 2 link.

PM me your cellphone number if you’d like pictures now.

I’ll try to take some pictures of everything and post it up this weekend.

Going through parts and I forgot about this. Seller ended up flaking, and I put the bits back into storage.

First person to show up with the cash (or sends payment) gets it. No holding till payday.

PM’s replied.

I forgot to mention this till someone asked for pictures. One of the temp sensors, and the oil pressure sensors are brand new.

$600 for the set!

…Pending sale…