DEFI Gauges - Amber BF 60mm - EGT and Oil Temp *like new* - BEST OFFER

  1. Defi-Link BF Imperial Amber EGT gauge/probe (needs lock fitting - $15.58)
  2. Defi-Link BF Imperial Amber Oil Temp gauge -[COLOR=“red”]SOLD[/COLOR]

Best offer on both. Comes with mounting cups, original boxes, instructions, and wiring.

Like new condition. Actual pic right before they came out of the car:

Is it possible to make this thread ‘network-wide’?

TTT. Best offer.

Bump before these hit the national market.


Jagermeister picked up the oil temp today :tup:

Here’s a cell phone pic to try and capture the mint condish:

(The EGT has a steel braided sensor line)

Gauges look like new. I would have bought the EGT but I already have it.

Thanks again, Geoff.

Bump for EGT. Still have it. Lowball me.