Never will happen
this race?? well if it doesnt happen, it will be because of someone other than me.
i also got a shitty time like that it goes something like 11.4 at 135
so you had issues with car ok, but so far you had a blown motor, a blown tranny, and now a blown rear end. what else is going ot break on your car? cause im not about to race a car that is going to wipe me out cause it was poorly built by its owner…this is being you claim you built your car. also put money on it, ive been other situations where i was going to run for money and had ppl willing to front the money for my side. so that shouldnt be an issue. youre car may be capable of 10s with a great driver well this bike is suppose to run 9s with a great rider. that doesnt mean you or I will see or projected times.
also i got that from another site and was just wondering if your tranny went or not…like the post says
fine… well give him the advantage then… more power to him
OH and since you know everything you’d know that comparing psi levels is like 2 things, saying mph means something and making a comment about displacement. IRRELEVENT (look it up psi means squat)
hahahahahahahahahaha thats a good comeback ‘cable guy’ ill give ya credit. i got nothing for that one at the moment so :shaggy:
what the hell is cable guy?
I dont remember that from jim carrey
sorry but its run what you brung and should only be 93 fed not race fuel cause i can do the same but lets see what this erotic car can do on 93
runem now, im bored
1st off … you need to clearify your shit. Blown motor = bent exhaust valves. fixed it in 2.5 days. Blown tranny??? You mean a roll pin fell out of the shift fork/leaver. Blown rear end?? Ok ill give you that one, i fucked that thing up pretty good.
Now how many of those things, did i have an impact on? Maybe the bolts on the cam gears, but that wasent 100 percent on me. Factory Tranny/Rear end… give me a break.
If your going to pull that as an excuse to not to race. thats pretty bad.
Ill put money on it, i have no problem with that. But since everyone here thinks your going to smoke me … we will go by my rules, since i apperently have the handicap… 50mph we will start.
are you going to make more power on your car at 14 psi or 30?? shut up.
You guys need some rules.
The first rule is, thier is none.
the guy that says ******* is known as cable guy. damm your an internet whore and didnt know this what are you thinking
roll racing you’re automatically disqualified, please play again
i smell fear… ill run what i bring.
Damnit, That word is censored on here from now on
depends on what my map looks like on the turbo since CFM is what matters not PSI what’s the cfm rating on your turbo at 14 psi vs 30?
its a bike… that obviously is alot faster than me. so why not??
Ugh let them 2 duke it out :boink
rollracing is gay no matter what you’re driving