Did you buy a Superbowl Box?

um, isn’t every pool ran that way? Obviously no one is goung to buy a square if it’s a 2,2

lol newman get out b4 you get mad…

and yes you would think every pool is that way

LOL, of my 8 squares, only one of them has ever hit, once. Sweet. :banghead:

arent we on superbowl 43…

I’ve been in ones that had the numbers pre-filled out. :picard:

That’s just retarded… lol

I’ve never been in one with #'s filled out and I’ve done at least 1 square since I was 12.

Here’s my numbers:

Board 1:
Pitts 6 Zona 4
Pitts 8 Zona 4
Pitts 9 Zona 7
Pitts 5 Zona 7
Pitts 4 Zona 5

Board 2:
Pitts 2 Zona 1
Pitts 5 Zona 7
Pitts 0 Zona 6
Pitts 7 Zona 2
Pitts 9 Zona 8

So yeah not so promising for me :frowning:

i got 2


my dad/mom won a grand for halftime

If it had ended after the Arizona safety I would’ve hit but other than that all my numbers were useless.

I won $50 at the half.
Almost won another pool for $250 at the final.

2 years in a row that I have won in the pool. :slight_smile: