Digital Climate, Steering Wheel

Hey guys,

I’m looking for a Digital Climate control, along with all the sensors and such! Also I need a good conditioned steering wheel with cruise control. Also my drivers side window doesn’t like to go down/up, and I’ve come to the conclusion that is a small black box, held on by two screws, and has a harness plugged into it. I’d like to know what it’s called unfortunately all I can do is describe it at the moment. So if anyone is parting out a car and wants to sell a couple things let me know.

Thanks alot.

pm heatw 4 climate control

S14 or S13??

i’ve got an S13 digital climate control unit complete with all wires and sensors.

$200… delivered anywhere.

i got 2 stock steering wheels lemme kno ill get pics if you want

if it’s for s14 i have a stock steering wheel… lemme know


Well I got my hands on two of the three things I needed! I’m still in need of the Digital Climate though. Anyone? :slight_smile:

i have it forsale lol

Hey guys,

I’m still looking for the Digital Climate.
