Discover America Car Rally 10/23/05

Just learned about this two nights ago, talked to the organizer who seemed to be really nice, so im going. read about it and tell me what you think or if you want in too.:slight_smile: should be fun!

thanks for posting this

Dammit I’m working

This is a good TSD rally. I did it a couple years ago. They find some really great roads around the southern tier. The route book uses a mix of directions, including tricks and puzzles. Nice awards party afterwards too.

I hear they have some chicken at the end!! (bottomsUP --> is there any advice you can give me? seeing that this is going to be my first rally?)

hahah tsd is not rally, and all you need to know is that @ 36mph 1 miles takes 1 minute

TSD (Time,Speed,Distance) rallies are meant to challenge the navigator, not the driver.

Bring a couple pens, pad of paper, a digtial watch/stopwatch, calculator. When you get experienced you can use a scientific calculator and compute your average speed timimg, but for this just run by the “Seat of your pants.” Make sure your odometer works.

They’ll give you an average speed for each section. Try to run just a few mph over that. When you have a stop sign or something, run 10 mph over your average for a about 1/2 mile or so to catch up. You’ll get the hang of it.

Follow your route book. Don’t follow others, they might be lost. The rally route might cross back on itself to confuse teams, don’t fall for it.

Examine the route book carefully for tricks, ie. pages out of order, or directions numbered, but out of order.

When you get lost, don’t get stressed out. Forget about the average speeds and concentrate on the directions. Back track to the last instruction that you were 100% sure of, and try again.

Good Luck and have fun


Thank you very much, i hope this will help (except the getting lost part!!) We’ll see how this turns out, since my cousin is really in to cars i promised him i would take him, hes 16 but in a way hes smart so we’ll see!! Any more suggestions from anyone?!?
