Discuss your favorite Automotive TV Series (Mods and such)

Greetings Gents/Ladies

Just wondering what everyone watches and what they think of the show and the vehicles that are built.

I for one like Overhaulin’ with Chip Foose. He is an automotive design and builder extraordinaire. His cars and idea’s have won him the Ridler award 2 times. (the most prestigious automotive custom car award) and he seems like an all around cool guy.

I don’t like American Hotrod just because Boyd Coddington and his bitch-of-a-shop-foreman Dwayne are a couple of complete assholes when it comes to their employees who work for them. I’m sure 75% of it is for the camera’s but still… It’s insane. I heard that Chip Foose used to work for Boyd Coddington and designed a few cars that won Boyd some killer awards and such. I also heard that Boyd Coddington’s bodyshop supervisor paint guru left the hotrod shop to participate in some projects with Chip Foose. Interesting.

Anyway, that’s my blurb on this subject. Hope to see some constructive posts in the future. :slight_smile:

Pimp my Ride!!

Not the show, Cory Pimp my RIDE!! lol

I agree that nothing measures up to Overhaulin in the restoration aspect. As for the best overall show, that would have to be Trucks. I’m not a huge truck fan or anything, but Stacey David knows his shit and he actually does all of his own work, not to mention giving some amazing tips. For guys that 4x4, they know they are always fixing shit without a nice shop around and he gives some great tips on that aspect.

If you’re talking about modifications, Overhaulin is alright.

If you’re talking about series, Victory By Design or the Top Gear Series, or 5th Gear series.

Overhaulin’ rules, plus the chic is kinda hawt!

I agree that nothing measures up to Overhaulin in the restoration aspect. As for the best overall show, that would have to be Trucks. I’m not a huge truck fan or anything, but Stacey David knows his shit and he actually does all of his own work, not to mention giving some amazing tips. For guys that 4x4, they know they are always fixing shit without a nice shop around and he gives some great tips on that aspect.

Ohh yeah! It’s been so long since I watched Trucks, that I forgot about Stacy… Yeah the shit that comes outa that show IS reaaally cool… I remember an older episode where he installed the Bully Dog ECU into a something (Can’t remember what make) but that bad mother fucker lit the tires with stunning ease, and from that point on, I wanted a mamoth Diesel truck, hahahaha!

Pimp my Ride!!

Not the show, Cory Pimp my RIDE!! lol

Don’t worry Jay, if you pimp my wallet, I’ll pimp your ride :wink: LOL!

If you’re talking about modifications, Overhaulin is alright.

If you’re talking about series, Victory By Design or the Top Gear Series, or 5th Gear series.

Yeah I watched all the Victory series, and was temped to buy the DVD’s… I’ll watch for them on the torrent sites :slight_smile:

Truck is one of my favorite shows, especially when they do episodes on DIESELS! :slight_smile:

I’ve never actually seen Victory by Design. I would consider Top Gear one of my faves, but I don’t actually get it on TV, only off the net.

Top gear is awsome. Overhaulin and trucks are good too. they people there all know what they are talking about.

Top Gear is my favorite by far (anyone with digi-cable can get it on BBC World, on at about 10:30 pm.). Unfortunately, we have nothing that compares to it. Fifth Gear would be a close second.

Overhaulin’ is good for hot rods, but I never found they gave you much information on how to do your own work, so I don’t watch it.

American Hot Rod/Chopper are both complete jokes. Whoever said they ham it up for the camera, check the show credits - they have script writers for the show. So as long as you accept it as entertainment, like wrestling, you’ll be ok. Isn’t it funny how they always manage to fuck things up until a deadline is a few hours away, and then they magically bolt everything together?

Car and Driver caters to the older crowd and they are too opinionated - they recently gave the 911 1 point more than the new Vette because they are snobs. Objective journalism indeed.

Trucks IS good…I watch it, and I don’t even really like 4x4’ing. Copperhead is amazing.

Horsepower TV is good if you’re building a car with an unlimited budget. If you’re into imports or anything without a v8, you’re SOL. Their technical level is too high for the average viewer too, and they don’t explain concepts behind engine operation very well.

I think the biggest joke of all is NOPI Tunervision. There are no tuners on the show…just watch, I guarantee you’ll see more bikini girls/jell-o wrestling than actual cars. Why don’t they just call it “Tits & Ass Drag Racing”?

Anyway, there are more out there, but I’ve said too much already. Rest assured, I’ve seen almost every car show out there, and there are damn few good ones. :slight_smile:

werd, nopi tunervision is a waste of time. Mequiars’ Car Crazy has some good stuff occasionally but thet Meguiar guy is really annoying, and the 'car craaaaazy" theme song is emarrasing to listen to.

Oh, shut your mouth - the Meguiar’s song RULES! :smiley:

Actually, I like American Muscle Car - they usually provide some good info.

Oh, and I forgot - Driving Television is Canadian and reasonably good. The co-host chick is HOT, which doesn’t hurt. :smiley: