
New Guy from Waterford: 46 posts 311 views
New GIRL from Waterford: 450 posts 2846 views


I don’t see any reason for the difference in views or posts.

Except for a chromosome or two


Its because kdubs is a girl…but she seems chill to talk to and so her thread thrived like it was a FAIL thread

It’s like dropping a minnow into a shark infested pool of dirty water.

Behold the power of Chesticles.

That and the fact from what a here about first Impressions little miss Too Old is a nice pretty much nromal girl. That doesnt happen around shift too often.

I mean look at n!cole


:rofl :rofl

that just had me rollin :rofl:rofl



Desperate much?
I’d say so.


this? or what are we talking about here? heheh

take a bunch of car fags on an online forum, throw a good looking girl in the mix its like throwing a naked hooker into a room full of virgin guys, they are gonna look.

^^^ pretty much that, Dave :slight_smile:

I looked.

It’s a thread about a female on a male-dominant forum.

I see nothing wrong. Everything is operating as designed.
