DIY Auto rig test shots.

Camera was fired via remote. And the the total cost of the parts was about 150, which isn’t bad considering what its holding up. Im sure it could be done cheaper, but really when your hanging 1500 bucks worth of camera off the end, going cheap really wasn’t an option.

Hey man, great work


in :tup:

For sure, we’ll have to get the mirror image white STI’s thing going LOL

ian get some pics from last night up when you get a chance

Honestly I haven’t even had them off the camera yet, Im leaving for the blown euros meet in an hour though, so hopefully along the way I can edit a few up.

What, the cops didn’t get the press release of the new movie being filmed here:mamoru:

I am a little confused as to where it was mounted on the car in the first two shots?

it was mounted on the hood of my car
i dont have any pics of it from that night
but from the other night we attempted it again and here is what the rig looks like on my car

i take it the poll and cupps were somehow photchopped out?

yes jay you are correct

Nice work detective.

fuck me right lol it was more of a how hard and how clean was this edited?

idk how but it was very clean, he edited my feet out, the boom, and the cups holding it

well fucking sign me up steve and mike.

It’s not too hard to PS that stuff out depending on the angle. Since the camera is pointing straight back towards the direction of the pole, there isn’t toooo much to get rid of in the pic. But it also depends on how complicated the background is as well. A little clone stamp action, blur, and bam, no more pole.

I can see in Ian’s first two pics where the pole was.