Do not buy

At least say something clever, all I’m saying.

Your post sounded like some dkid shit.

His “hobby” puts cash in his pocket. Can’t knock him for that.

but its not a business. and he shouldnt call it such. business’ have Tax ID’s

when you say “that much better on my end” you imply that you enjoy “talking down” to me. kind of weird.

and i’m fine with the term “profitable hobby”. call it whatever you want, i make my customers and my wallet happy :thumbup

when my “hobby” is making 5 figures a year or close to it (hopefully this year), ill have a tax ID and an insurance policy, don’t you worry.

happy to hear. and hopefully when you say 5 figures, you arent talking about 10,000$ make sure you use quick books or something to prepare your invoices and keep records for you.

since when is 10k bad for a side job?

and yes, ive got an excel sheet with info on every customer and car, ill have to upgrade to something better this year, still looking into it

I’m going to school for computer software/computer sci. If you’d like a pretty professionally set-up Microsoft Access database or Excel spreadsheet let me know.

you can haz AIM

Professional? :rofl

Exactly what makes you a professional, Joeyfag

I said I can make it look professional, bennyqueer

calm down


shove that shifty face in your ass

oh, dear

Maybe I’ll just get the shifty face tattooed ON my ass.

I’m already doing that, srsly haha
April 16th, appt. already made.

I do not believe a single thing you say until it’s in front of my face.

That doesn’t mean I want your ass in my face either homo.

You said it first, homo.
I’ll moon you sometime, you’ll see.

he’s not kidding, unfortunately :facepalm

Dude, that’s a bad idea.

Kramer got a window full of buttcheekz while racing pete’s TDI.