Do you drive the fastest

not yet,my daddy>me

i just had some real shitty news come my way… so, im really not focused on this

:drama: :drama: :drama:

:rofl: a debadged e series with amg wheels does not make your car an amg :rofl:

sure it does

just the same as sticking a GTR badge on a Mustang makes it a Skyline


my boss has a 03 C5, so even before i sold my vette he had the edge. he’ll probably be getting a C6 and i’ll be getting my new one so it should be close. but i guess technically c6 is faster top end…but c5 z06 is quicker

nope…saw a video of a c5 z06 vs. c6 vette…c6 won

but who konws…change the drivers maybe…it was very very very close

i do at my one job, not at my other :smiley:

at work— yes.

at home- no, im the slowest

yeah i saw that too. but noone has gotten C6s any quicker than like 12.8 (as of now)…and there r guys getting stock Zs way better times than that also, every mag test said it didnt pull quite as hard as a Z


my beater MIGHT be faster then one of the freightliners… :kekegay:

I dunno…

My bosses SLK320 Benz vs. my 87 s10 Blazer with a 350… Hmm… I dunno?

Maybe i’ll see if he wants to roll race on 28 next summer, I’ll get :owned:

Maybe we can go from the dig

C5 Z06 is faster than C6

i’m confused.

this is a thread regarding the speed of your personal vehicle to that of the people you work with. to my understanding you don’t have a c5 z06 or a c6 … or a vette at all?? so :wtf:


yeah…sad thought i drive a mid to high 15 sec civic. Untill deadeyehatch get a new car, becuase more than likely get a faster car than me, I RULE THE GROCERY STORE!!


Or a Type R sticker on a caviler makes it a Type R

there you go, tough guy…mustve missed that :bigok: :finger2: