Do you like Cavi Mike?



Who is he?

who be him?

who art thou?

Who voted yes ?

I want to rape Boxxys mouth so bad

Gotta love how the only reason Cavi Mike posts on here is because he sucks at life so badly that ROCLIFE perma banned him. Which is amusing because he used to rant about how much NYSpeed sucked, on roclife.

Which is doubly hilarious because he was banned on bimmerforums for stating how badly it sucked, and how everyone there was lame, and insulting members. Then he signed up under another screen name and bragged about how he was banned… and got banned again. FAIL.

Cavi mike =:picard:

wait, this is a coloring contest?

win? pls?

For a minute there, it sounded as if you were talking about me :bloated: :biglaugh:

:rofl: Nah!

Just make sure she has all black clothing on with makeup and in a dark room. Shes not hot at all.

Ew. Kthxbai boxxy.

Tabby ftw.


Coincidence?!? I think not!

I love the fact that this thread was started by a guy I have on ignore. And you’re right, I am on here because I got perma-banned by those two bitches Brad and Brian on RL but lets see one of them step to me. Shit, lets see one of you step to me.

I still have not seen you make a post of any value to anything yet. You are probably a legit person in a real life, in this internet world you make people hate you who don’t even know you.

Step to you?
Like fight you?

Why waste their time.
Have fun explaining that to a cop.

Well, he is mean to me on the Internet!!!