Do you like Cavi Mike?



Because I wouldn’t care about asking a large number of people at a bar if someone sucks at life?

lol and what myspace did you suck that picture off of?

Sure, name the place.

edit although I’d probably laugh this one off and drink my beer, I can’t plan to be angry.

Brennans?! Monday night?!

Sure, what time? I’d like to try and find a shirt that says “everybody hates me” or some shit first, maybe I can find one tomorrow.

Someone’s def gotta video tape this.

And I also have to find a ride up there since my CEL is on and my inspection is up after midnight on Halloween so don’t be looking for the bimmer cause it won’t be there.

Take me too haha

Edit: Sorry I can’t go I might get knocked THE FUCK OUT by chubby chuck liddel over here

lol srsly? i have friends that have been driving around on 7month over due inspections :cjerk: sounds like an excuse not to have a beer and be made fun of

i’ll gladly high five freek over the suckage of cavi mike, joe :wink:

I’m not afraid of the inspection ticket, it’s just the getting pulled over part.

I’ll be there, I know I’ll find a ride. I’m actually looking forward to this, I think it’s gonna be fun.

fyi, i do not mind you
im just joining in on the angry mob

you posted something useful in my wheel thread

LOL maybe I dont follow this forum close enough, but im confused by the hot little jail bait in a few peoples sigs… who is this tabby chick? and where are all the pics coming from?

tabby is in evolution viii mr’s sig

i believe they are all from her photobucket lol


Just an FYI. He’s banned from roclife, still came to a roclife meet last night.

I tried to, you know, be nice for once and said “hi” and extended my hand as a greeting. He said something to the effect of me not even being allowed to talk to him. :lol: Have fun.

yeah cass, i told him to be nice.
btw, mike will be there as i’m bringing him. maybe everybody can hate on me too.


Thats because you are a retard. Your brain doesnt function very well.

If you can get this many people to hate you then I fucking absolutley love you.

#1 Fan Right Here

That’s, does not.

… … You… mad?