Does chicken ever taste like eggs to you?


can’t say i’ve ever experienced that, i’d probably give it up if it happened.

I just did, and I have in the past… Maybe its just my messed up drunk brain or maybe I just need to eat red meat exclusivly

use better seasoning.


i just burped and it tasted like eggs

my cinnamon raisin bagel does not taste like eggs… the burp, however, is pending.

switch to only red meat.

by deductive reasoning…does this also mean that you’ve had eggs that taste like chicken?

hell no

On a related note, I have had chicken,egg, and cheese on biscuit sandwiches and they are delicious.

Does I went to make some scrambled eggs and when I cracked the shell and dumped i into the bowl there was a little fetus…I threw it out BUT I know they do some weird Shiznit in Asia where the Incubate and egg for so long almost having a live baby chicken and they eat that. GROSS

its the beer man
