Don't make me slap you b!tch!

You asked for it…

lol why the fuck did he do that?!?! unreal

I bet that felt good for him.

ahahah and he keeps on dancing…

That was amazing.

i agree the best part is he kept dancing and she was totally shocked


is this a repost here? I’ve seen that before …

I really wish in videos like this they could have some kind of explanation to why the guy did that.


wtf was the purpose of slapping dat bitch?

Looked like she messed up the twirl so he had to smack a bitch.

It almost seemed like he did it as a natural reaction and then realized “Oh shit, we’re in public.” and tried to continue dancing. What an odd video.

hHAAHAH i love this vid its wierdly funny, but did u see the couple next to them just like WTF?