Don't sleepwalk into other people's houses in Amherst

some really retarded comments attached to that article

On the one hand you don’t know if the guy breaking in is someone who is trying or willing to kill you. On the other, if you run down the stairs firing a weapon it could be a family member, or neighbor that you “shoot to kill”. I would always lock my door at night, my mom does all the time and we live in tonawanda (town) which is made up of mostly 60-70 year old catholics.

I’d lock my doors too; that’s a really shady demographic.


Yup, typical NYS response. Its the homeowners fault that someone entered a house that wasn’t thiers, wouldn’t respond to comands and got shot.

I would haven’t said much before killing a man in my house at those hours. If the fucker sleep walks, then maybe he shouldn’t drink, and should lock himself wtih some sort of lock that he can’t operate while sleep walking.

But its the homeowners he didn’t shoot to wound, bringing a lawsuit for sure that would ruin the homeowners life for injuries. 1 story, only 1 story.

so he has a gun to protect his home, but he doesn’t lock his door to protect his home?

doesn’t sound like he’s mr safe-home

---------- Post added at 06:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:19 PM ----------

i believe i made it clear that it was only a support for my argument, but if you want to think I learn my info from tv instead of college that’s cool.

n20junkie; i live in VA, the state that just made it legal to carry concealed weapons to bars. because people were pissed they couldn’t do that prior.

It sucks this man died but damn, shit happens. The crime rate seems to be sky rocketing in Amherst, if I were a resident I certainly wouldn’t take any chances with intruders.

the new governor there is a real douchebag.

If someone walks in to my home, with my wife (if i had one then) I would def shoot.

who knows what’s going to happen.
maybe right before you shoot, he ducks down and hides… then starts shooting you? not like he knew if he had a gun or not.
could have been hidden or something (if he had one, i know he didn’t)

So if he doesn’t take the shot, then the guy goes and hides… then he kills the homeowner and wife a min later… and possibly kids if there were any.
what the fuck then? all because of the law system? (the homeowner not wanting to shoot him and go to jail)

Tough choice.
I’d pewpew if someone came in and let a lawyer deal with it.
Granted I always lock all 17 locks and windows, so if someone got in, I knew they weren’t there to have a cup of tea.

I didn’t know college was a better place to learn about self defense and gun issues. But nice college drop.

It was in response to jays’ post prior to mine where he dropped the college bomb, he must have edited it out.

Thanks though


Grand jury decides no charges should be filed.


Good Stuff.

Bump again. Widow of the teacher filed wrongful death civil lawsuit against the homeowner who shot her husband, then apparently came to her senses and withdrew her lawsuit.

lol my grandmother is anal about her doors being locked, i try to tell her no one is going to steal her 2 blocks from the town’s police station…

I never have locked my house and always left my keys in my cars in the driveway until my son was born as well. Now they’re always locked the second I walk in.

I’d love to know the back story about why this lawsuit got pulled. Very odd for something like this to get filed then pulled just a day after it hits the press.

maybe she got a invite to come to a party at his place at 1am?

I am so glad nothing happened to the shooter. I’d like to know the details of the case as well, but that will likely never be publicized.

I’d be willing to bet that someone counceled her that all the lawsuit would do is drag her late husband’s name through the mud. Right now he’s just an unfortunate victim of his own mistakes, maybe even of a sleep walking disability. If she takes it to court he’ll get made out to be a drunk home invader with God only knows what intentions on his mind at 1AM in a dark house. Every skeleton in his closet will get put on public display to paint him as potentially violent.