DOW Breaks All Time Record!,2933,216259,00.html

It’s gone down slightly since breaking the all time closing high, but it’s still a very good sign to see it as high as it is. Flirting with the high set prior to the dot com bubble popping and 9/11.

I blame Bush. That bastard.

I blame you hoodlum kids and your imported motorcars!


Me too. It’s good to see we finally made it back to the levels of 1999/2000, coincidentally right before a certain election :tup:

of course, adjusted for inflation, we’re way short of 6 years ago, but still, least the budget is still balanced :biglaugh:

on another note, if you do own stocks be prepared to pull out of them shortly or wait it out for the long haul…the yield curve is still way inverted and the housing market is screwing everything up, we have a recession coming real quick

For once, I do to. Him and Congress.

It’s ok though, after the elections we’ll get a bunch of new people in and I’m sure they’ll find a way to “fix” the economy :wink:

Yeah I was watching that today on CNBC.

11,718 still not quite there…and FYI

see that big dip there…yeah not so much 9/11 or the .com bubble

And now the record is broken:

NEW YORK ( – The Dow Jones industrial average rose to its highest level ever Tuesday afternoon, taking out the record trading high hit in January 2000 before stepping back a little, as investors scooped up a variety of shares amid slumping oil prices.


The shit is about to hit the fan again, give it a few months.

The DOW being up on it’s own like it is, is more of a bad sign than a good sign and is more of a sign of investors lack of confidence in the economy. Look at where the NASDAQ and other indexes are.

:tup: to strong market understanding

Maybe today will make you happier Walter, or are you determined to believe the economy is in bad shape?

Dow set new record, up 123.19 points to 11,850.53
Nasdaq up 47.30 points to 2,290.95
S&P Sets 5 & 1/2 year high at 1,350.21

Sure, the Nasdaq is no where near it’s all time high, but that’s rightfully so. It’s all time high was set when anything with “.com” in it’s name was trading at 100+ a share.

Here are the 10 year graphs for each:

:tup: Yeah…good thing Bush is still fucking us over, or we might not be breaking records.

do you even have money in the stock market?

No, I don’t have any extra money to invest. Oh, btw, it was a sarcastic comment about Bush :bloated:.

HOLY SHIT!!! I thought you were serious.

Come on Joe… nothing better than that? I remember your pre-election preditions of you dancing in the street singing “I told you so” when the economy was in the toilet because of this administration.

The economy is still in the shitter…wages are stagnant, down compared to inflation

Come back and talk to me once the sell off happens shortly…