Driftunit Stuff now for sale!

We are making a big order so if you want something let us know!!

visit this link to see what we have!
Sign up on our forums at www.driftunit.ca


ignore my last post freaking cousins on my computer but i will break those littke ****ers like wild horses
now sign me up for the Death to Ricers (Item #13) one when and where can i pick it up?

Can i get one of those kanji stickers?

you can get everything threw paypal. if you have it send payment to products@driftunit.ca and in the order form coment box list the item # and how many. if you want shirts type in size item# etc.

Once we receive a order it will be shipped out within 24 hours from california via UPS. once i receive the order i will contact you and meet up with you or i can have it sent to your house. pm me for information. and ill be happy to help out.