drums and percussion

looking for any cymbals, roto toms, 8" tom, 10" tom, 18" floor tom, ashblock, cowbells, hardware. LMK!

I have a bunch of cymbals and no set. Both crash cymbals are fucked but work for practice. Ride and hats are in great shape.

Let me know if your interested in any or all of them, I’ll find the going rate for them. I think I have a stand or two available as well.

i dont have a use for the broken cymbals, interested in the stands if you find them

yea, I’ll snap some pictures this weekend of the stands I have. Do you want the ride or hats?

depends on the price. i really dont need them but if the price is right ill take them. more interested in the ride as opposed to the hats.


I had a whole set of cymbals and stands in spring that no one wanted and ended up throwing a lot of it away. I think I might have one big cymbal left that was in great shape. If I still have it, you can take it.

let me know:)

My friend has a full set that she’s selling. I’ll get the info for you tomorrow morning.

the important part:

not really looking for a whole kit,. just pieces really. LMK what she has anyways as it might be worthwhile. thanks <3

fuck yeah she’s hot. i’m sure she’ll sell it in pieces. i forgot about this though. so i’ll have to ask her later.

Bonus! yeah def let me know :slight_smile:

what kinda stands u looking for straight, boom, hihat stands? I have a old hihat stand ill give away and I have a 18 medium thin zildjian crash with a small crack. shoot me a price.

not really looking for cracked cymbals. ill offer ten bucks unseen for it. looking for straight, boom, and HH stands. LMK


As long as your not going to sell it off, it’s all yours.

I can meet up today if you want. I am probably busy for the next 5 months or so too, so today would be optimal.




