Dukey vs Sully

Sully has a future.

i dont think sully has a future, hahahaha

He’s goin places.

Hes going going back back

to vegas vegas

I have 2 running cars, thanks. And the third, well lets not talk about that one. :Idiots

I love when people doubt my intelligence when they don’t really know me. I pretty much poke fun at myself, bc I don’t really care what people think about me.

Sully I dont doubt your book smarts. Your common sense is the topic at hand.

I know, got to admit that I’m EXTREMELY gullible. :lol

But we still love ya! :lol


rep rep


Sully, we all love u, u can just be a little dumb, thats all.

i must admit, ur the one with the hot gf so ur dumb ass must be doing something right :thumbup

as for duke lafluke, he looks like he is 15, act like he is 12 and has the manhood of an 8 year old girl. bowl cut needs to go, chest hair needs to sprout and stop oogling over man meat when u are alone.

Damn that was ruthless

i hold nothing back.

take these tips…

-new hair cut
-less abercrombie
-start working out
-get car painted flat black
-move out of rents house
-finish school while working
-take hairs cut from head and glue onto chest
-stop being so ghey
-no more dumb ass threads

start there.

Lmao good list beefcake

94Gt5.0, AlHassan, big red, DUKE LADUKE, K20power, xreaction122
^Thanks for the votes, ya fucks! lol

Adam voted twice whata fuck

when he told me he voted twice i loled!

i woulda voted twice but my other account is permabanned lolol

duke fosho