Dumb Itrip question... 407 vs 417??

I was at circuit city yesterday and they had 2 versions of the ITrip… both had the same scu and everything looked and said the same things but there was a sticker on it where one said 407 and the other said 417… any idea what those could mean?

edit: On a side note, go pick up the flyer from Staples, turn to page 5 and go to Circut City to get the itrip for 6 bux. You’re welcome.

no ideas??

Which model iPod do you have? And which Gen?

Use this site to find your exact model:

I have the newest(3g) 8gig nano with video. The compatability lists the 3g on both the 407 and 417. All of the packaging is the same, just the lil sticker.

I’m going to try to call Griffin.

edit: I called them and they had no clue lol.