Dyngus Day

im polish and hate pierogies lol


Get out of our Dyngus Day thread you fucking Italians.

fuck you!

Polish food = Meh.Its pretty bland.

I dont mind eating it,however I wont go out of my way to eat it.

Italian FTW.

Lol. Fucking smells like garlic in here now. Dego fest is coming up in the hood soon. Wait your turn bitches

I would say eat, me but im not a pile of shitty ricotta cheese wrapped in slimy pasta baked in more cheese and tomato sauce… You wouldn’t be interested.

Great time last night. Now I stink like vodka, sauerkraut, and pirogies…

In that case, there will be no throwing around derogatory terms for Italians in this thread. I say we treat them like the N-word. Only we may say it.

Damn polaks :stuck_out_tongue:

Polish shit is weird. Odd rituals, and food that is “meh” at best.

I thought the food was great last night. Polish breakfast sucks (all cold shit) but a lot of other stuff is good. And it’s not nearly as bad as English or Irish food.