Dyngus Day



do not miss out, good times

who’s ass can i slap with pussy…willows?

They need to update the website title “April 9th 2007”

fucking pollocks

And proud :slight_smile:



Get your dupa to the Dyngus Day celebration. They do not do that here in FL. :wink:


Yeah I just asked around and no one has ever heard of it. Except the other guy from Buffalo.


i plan on not remembering a moment of that day :tup:

Marty puts on a great event

Score…i have my falcon tshirt ready to rock.


Guys squirt girls with water. Girls hit the guys with pussy willows.


i really am not a huge fan of polish people in general


Ban immediately


dyngus day = :tif:

mainly because its on a monday.

but also because of the whole squirtgun/pussywillow shit :bloated:

to each his own :wink: