Taste of Buffalo...

…is this weekend. I had no idea. I don’t know if I’ll bother going. It’s kind of like a big cock-tease festival. “Oh here, let me sell you just a little bit of this delicious food.”

Then again, you get to go around eating lots of different shit.

Just thought I’d share in case anyone else didn’t know.

Oh no no no. Get your shytload of tickets, walk around and eat a little of everything. it’s like a themeless buffet that’s almost as long as mah dilz

I thought it sucked every year… like 4 places are worth going to. everything else is like Here try our shitty pizza, or have a roast beef sammich…

Gag me… Steer last year had a Seared Ahi Tuna with a Wasabe vinaigrettes last year… by far the best

its like $3 a bite. Fuck that noise.
At least the italian festival next weekend is slightly less of a ripoff

Never been, but all I’ve heard is it’s $$$.


its like $3 a bite. Fuck that noise.
At least the italian festival next weekend is slightly less of a ripoff


With more Africans then actual Italians… but hey there are normally lots of good looking girls at the Italian fest.

ToB is getting more and more expensive every year. Last year I didn’t go for the first time in a very long time.

Just got back, ate 20 bucks worth of food, im gonna crap my pants any moment now :picard:


Just got back, ate 20 bucks worth of food, im gonna crap my pants any moment now :picard:


mmmm what did you have ? make me jealous

How much is it per ticket? My gf went last year and got 40 free tickets, said she used like 20 and gave 20 to a homeless guy.

If @ $3 a pop, I think I’ll pass, unless theres alot of alcohol.
Is this going on tomorrow also or just today?

tommorow also

[quote=“Mrs. Karus,post:9,topic:31970"”]

mmmm what did you have ? make me jealous


it’s cool, you can crap your pants too if you really want to


tommorow also


Price of tickets??

Tickets are 50 cents a piece, most dishes are 6 tickets, or 3 bucks, some are 7 tickets.

It was kinda stupid, way too many ghetto peeps there, none of the food was super delicious like in past years.

So packed, you couldn’t even walk.

Dammn, do tickets buy alcohol or just food? If theres alcohol tickets, I am game. If not, nevermind.

Tickets are $5 for ten, I just spent $30 got 60 tickets and sampled a bunch of shit. I ate a Rice ball that i seen on the news last night, Cajun Shrimp, Sausage and shrimp Gumbo, Texas chili, Kansas City BBQ pulled pork, Huge garlic bread thing, Smoked baby back rib nuggets

My girl had, pizza, chicken fingers, mac and cheese, Ice cream, garlic bread, corn on the cob.

I still have two tickets left over. Its def. worth it to try new foods around here. But I couldn’t take all the black chicks with their tits and stretch marks hanging all over.

[quote=“Mrs. Karus,post:9,topic:31970"”]

mmmm what did you have ? make me jealous


  • primo pizza
  • buffalo style fried shrimp
  • mediterranean steak sandwich
  • steak in the grass sandwich
  • some spicy buffalo burger that was the shit
  • chicken quesadilla
  • apple empanada
  • diet coke (trying to watch my girlish figure)all in all, some excellent food, would go again, would gain weight again, A+++ :clap:



  • steak in the grass sandwich
  • some spicy buffalo burger that was the shit


I wanted to try them both but never got around to it.

Was there any real standout places , theres always a few, Im goin to be heading down there like 1ish tomorrow.

there really hasnt been anything to special the past couple of years and turns out to be the same shit every year… i still go every year mainly to give my cousins support since they usually put up a stand but its getting a little old.

What time does it run till on sunday?