Dyno Blooper

Never step onto the rollers while they are still spinning!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

man that had to fuck up… i was hopin it was the guido guy cause that would have been funny. not the older guy. that car took forever to spin that thing also.

:rofl: i bet that hurt

I cant stop fuckin laughing … The more I watch it … the funnier it gets! :rofl:

OMG that had to fucking hurt

Ouch. :rofl:

I think I have to watch the People Falling Down compilations on youtube now.

:stupid: x2

I feel bad for the guy, but that’s what you get when you put a dyno in someone’s game room :D, and have 20 people around watching. You think they could have built a larger dyno room?

LOL…I wish it was the guy in the red pants

I know exactly what you mean! …
That guy was like “Papa!!” … :rofl:

lol-z his face connected pretty hard.


and the old guy yelled out, DAMN IT!

hahaha that video is priceless

:rofl: … I didn’t notice that before!! … :rofl: