Early christmas presents.


i don’t know what to say


Dude thought I broke it :rofl

What in the fuck…is that other guy drunk?

no im pretty sure hes a vegetable


Was going to say the SAME thing!

thats our tax payer money go right to that guys light sabers

Jabba the hutt getting jabbed in the coin purse was a good laugh

:rofl. I loled so hard at that part.

When he says “holy shit” fucking die laughing. Also the my little pony comment, telling his brother hes the worst vader. Oh man

PSSHHRRRTT…“Ho-Lee-Shhhiicht” :rofl:rofl:rofl

100% worth it.

ROFL Adam with the funnays! I am crying right now. hahhahaha

OMFG that was awesome.

Even if its possibly fake, its hillarious.

I can’t breathe :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl

that actually made me sad.

