Earth is so small..pretty crazy to think about.

fuckin stoners.

i dont smoke/do drugs at all. using your brain doesnt require drugs.

it’s a joke, dont get all butt hurt. you guys are just exited to sit around for a while and stare at the sky is all :rofl

i’m nowhere near butthurt :lol

what’s wrong with thinking a little bit? :lol

my butt hurts a little bit i think that just cause i ate half a stick of pepperoni and it just caught up to me


(good luck with shit)

those are some sick fucking pictures, im all over that stuff i dig space, for one to think we are the only planet with life is to be truly ignorant, i Just wish we were living at that point where humans actually travel and bend points of space to travel to other places… to bad it wont happen in our life time.

blows my mind to think about this shit

me and my friends used to frequent boards in old bbs world and we would all meet up at dennys in clifton park and talk about this shit all the time… until they kicked us out because we drank them out of coffee, i miss those days, we would start off with drunk babbling at this bar on friday nights called muddies then head up to cp for coffee and to sober up around 2am and wouldnt leave dennys untill fucking noon on saturday lol

+1 on that. There’s GOT to be other life out there somewhere