
So Im out here visiting some friends in California. So Im still on east coast time, there still sleeping. But getting to the point, Im sitting here about an hour ago when I notice the plant on her desk start moving then the computer screen. Well wouldnt you know it I just felt my first earthquake it was only a 3 and i barely felt it. I had to go to the southern california earthquake site just if it was one or if it was something stupid. But it was indeed an earthquake. So about 45 mins pass then the same thing again but then the whole house started shaking and the plant starts moving across the desk. That was a 5. So yeah that was interesting an interesting morning.

no damage… you’re all good.

5, yawn.


lol I know nothing major I just never felt one before I could imagine alot worse.

I’m waiting for the big one that lets that hippie hellhole float out into the ocean. :x:


It was me…Donkey Kong strikes again