
^same^ Was in my car doing ~65 when it happened…my car shakes above 60 so I didn’t feel anything unusual.

Neither did Michael J Fox

I didnt feel it either but same ordeal my rig shakes above 45 so mabey if it ran smooth i woulda

I take it you hear that a lot?

takes one to know one, young blood


didnt feel it at work with all the machines running because of the noise and vibrations they normally make anyway

big fat liar u are sir

the women in the laundrymat felt it but nobody in my part of the building felt anything.

why do you have to lie and tell us you didnt feel it?? what are ya, some sort of tough guy badass?!?! im not falling for it PJB! you KNEW it was happening

no, I heard about it like an hour later. No bullshit.

PJB CAUSED the earthquake folks, ya heard it here first

glad somebody noticed what i was getting at. he’s all like " i didnt feel shit!", then i said “not this time you fuckin gypsy trickster”. paul, why would you try to fool us? u think we r dumb?

sorry I mustve been smoking crack rocks again

Nucca need to pass the stem some time, PAUL!

I do at work. I smoke it with the guy who smoked crack before they called it crack and had tea with Elvis.

?? wtf are you talking about ??

smoking crack.

A guy I work with says he smoked crack before they called it crack and said he had tea with Elvis. He also says his grandmother owned half of Clifton Park (over 100,000 acres) and his dad built the Northway.

so is he a hipster or a crackhead? you are confusing man