The EdmontonRX7 Club will be holding an auto-cross Sunday December 12th.
This event is being held at the Edmonton Garrison Base North of 97th Street. All volunteers are asked to meet up at the northern most Tim Hortons off 97th at around 7-7:30am.
In order to get access to the base, they require some information from you (provided in the registration form). This information will only be used for access to the base, nothing else.
This event is open to any and all participants. The only requirements are a metal battery tie down, and the vehicle must pass a basic tech inspection (done by us before you run).
Event Pricing:
Members: $20 (With a toy for Santas anonymous - $15)
Non-Members: $25 (With a toy for Santas anonymous - $20)
We also are going to be donating to charity for this event. If you bring a gift for Santas anonymous the cost to enter the event is $15 for members and $20 for non members. This can include any old toys that you have laying about, or even a new toy if you feel so inclined.
This event is a go, rain, sun, slush, or snow.
Registration: Here
E-mail all completed forms
Registration Cutoff is December 2nd, changes can be submitted up until the 8th.
NOTE: If you have registered for a previous event, please send me a confirmation email if you will be attending this event.
Thank You! Hope to see you out there.
As usual all volunteers for setting up please show up at Tim Hortons by the base between 7-7:30am.
Videos from last events: