Edmonton drift practice

I like that… “Step 2 take poop out of car” LMAO

yay for the nooob :smiley:

Gives me a lot more confidence that im not going to be the only noob there when i come out although im sure they did better than im going to lol. Props for going out guys! nice vids

thats IT! iam going to actuall get some suspension and the rest of that such… then pp will film my runs…lol JK i dont know at the end i was drifting that back huge turn and into the first s…then i slllooowww down… need moar power…

BUT its was still fun as hell

haha you dont even wanna know how bad my first run was haha spun out everything nailed cones haha its all good most of the guys out there are in need of a lot of practice just like me :smiley:

Man, now I wanna sell the Spec and get a RWD.