Edmonton Indy 2009

lets see if these pictures go a little smoother, didnt mean to cause anything with the other ones, wasnt trying to be a perv just had nothing better to do and most of them were random but w/e water under the bride sorry to anyone that was offended or w/e doesnt matter here are some better pictures !

C+C welcome, always looking for ways to improve or things to try

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Cool pics. What kinda gear do you have

D40, 18-135, 70-300, and a sb-600 but didnt use the flash for anything there haha i just picked it up so havent had lots of time to play with

Awsome stuff and gear.

try getting girl pics with the 20-300mm lens :biggrinjester:

the 70- 300?? hahahahahaha it may or may not have happened :stuck_out_tongue:

oh and i have a 1.8 50 mm but didnt use that this weekend either