EK Spoon Cluster

I gurantee there are a lot of better things you can spend 1800 on. No one said you need it!

Great explanation about Spoon clinzee.


It does look nice, haha. Deni, I need that hatchback tailgate hinge and trunk jack setup. I PM’d you.

The part that would scare me the most about this thing is how often hondas get stolen. It’s like having $2k sitting in your car. Obviously tons of things cost a lot of money when building a car, but to have this in a car you are driving daily, takes a lot of balls, especially a honda.

I saw the grey/pink wheels ek a few times when I’ve been loading my landscaping trailor up at my parents house on south park, that car looks damn good.

Hey sorry for not getting back to you. Just been trying to clear stuff out. The way I look at it as its only a cosmetic thing. Its a part if anything happens to it or the car it can all be replaced with something better

yes spoon anything equals great value, do want


this is the 2nd spoon cluster i have seen in the last 2 months…i would love to spend the cash to get 1 but my god…i like my CRV cluster in my EK

GLWS man


glws denny lol


Why you laughing about it???


this is ludacris, f****** crazy ass parts this man has, i would love to see this in person, but to have this in your ek rocking it makes it that much more awsome, thats why you the local jdm man around glws… SPOON is paper $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$… also deni im looking for a jdm eg white cluster let me know if u got one and pm me wit price thanks.

I would love for that to be in my car, I could actually use that tachometer almost to its full potential…1800 for a cluster is serious fruit though, too rich for my blood.

GLWS, thats a fantastic item



i’m sure i’m not the only one curious what you got for it…(feel free to tell me to mind my own fucking business, just wondering)

Got sold for the Black Friday special of 1650

no shit, good for you. i was dreading you having to hold this for months and then finally dumping it to some retard low baller. good work man.

No way man. I would never get rid of for lower than what I had in mind! I did recieve offers of 1100, 1200 but I knew my price was fair compared to others with a lot more km’s on the clock.
Its all good though since I have another one to replace it

No shit,…,… good deal man.

People that want will spend on RARE hard to find parts

Not on here…LOL.
Did it sell through here though?